5x14 | Smile Time
February 19, 2004, 03:00AMWhile Nina the werewolf show romantic interest in Angel, he investigates a demon-infested children's television program and gets turned into a puppet; Gunn makes a deal to keep his newly implanted mental powers; and Wes and Fred's relationship heats up.
5x12 | You're Welcome
February 05, 2004, 03:00AMWhen Lindsey returns and tries to defeat Angel using a secret "failsafe" entity created by the Powers That Be, Cordelia emerges from her coma to help save Angel.
5x01 | Conviction (1)
October 02, 2003, 03:00AMSome old acquaintances come back into Angel's life as he and his friends begin running Wolfram and Hart and try to figure out why they've been selected to do so.